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Your Freedoms
First Amendment freedoms in today's front pages
Discover how many of today’s front pages are related to each of your First Amendment freedoms.
Your Freedoms
First Amendment freedoms in today's front pages
Discover how many of today’s front pages are related to each of your First Amendment freedoms.
Is It Illegal to Yell ‘Fire’ in a Crowded Theater?
You can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater … or can you?
Prohibited Poetry: 13 Poems That Faced Faced Banning Attempts
Books aren't the only literary works that see banning attempts.
Misinformation, Censorship and 6 Other First Amendment Topics From VP Debate
Insight into the First Amendment issues referenced during the debate.
Where America Stands on the First Amendment: By the Numbers
Breaking down the results of our 2024 Where America Stands survey.
Can You Be Required to Speak? Compelled Speech Explained
The First Amendment protects free speech, but what about *not* speaking?
Why Candidates Must Say ‘I Approve This Message’ in Campaign Ads
Answering commonly asked questions about a little-known law.
What Is Catch and Kill Journalism?
A look at why some stories may not get reported.
What Is the Marketplace of Ideas?
Looking to improve democracy? Shop the marketplace of ideas.
Are Bumper Stickers Free Speech?
Does the First Amendment protect expression via vehicle?
1A in Action: Cindy Martin and Advocating for the Right to Speak at School Board Meetings
We highlight Cindy Martin as part of our 1A in Action series.